Child Hug Uganda - Finland ry






Emergency aid to Uganda


Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the lives of people in Uganda.


On the 25th of March, the Ugandan government banned public transport. Additionally, on the 30th of March, the use of private-owned vehicles was banned (Human Rights Watch). The agricultural sector and thus food production are heavily influenced by drought and locusts, which cannot be properly fought due to the pandemic (ReliefWebAl Jazeera). The situation is dire.


Together with our offices in Uganda, we prepared an emergency food programme, which can be found here. In cooperation with private donors we were able to quickly gather and donate 915 euros to execute this programme. With this sum, we will give emergency food aid to 50 people for 3 weeks. The food will be bought and distributed by our volunteers in Lira.


We would like to thank our members who were a big part in making this donation happen! If you want to help out in the future, become a member here. All membership fees paid in April, May and June will be donated to Uganda's Covid-19 emergency aid.